Western Building Specialties holds a constant inventory of our most popular products. Usually, these will be available for delivery or pickup with notice of 1 business day, if not immediately. Call, stop by, or talk to your sales representative for details on your specific product.
Hollow Metal Doors and Frames
- Wide Variety of Doors and Frames from Republic
- Custom Hollow Metal Shop with over 30 Years of Combined Experience
- Commercial Field or In-House Repair or Replacement
Wood Doors
- Solid Core Wood Doors from VT Industries and Masonite
- 3068 and 3070 Red Oak & Birch Pre-Machined
Commercial Builder Hardware
- Hager, Corbin, and Yale Locksets
- Hager, Corbin, and Yale Exit Devices
- Hager, Corbin, LCN, and Norton Closers
- Pemko and National Guard Products Weatherstrip
- Field and In-House Hardware Repair
- In-House Master Key Systems
- High-Security Key Systems
Toilet Partitions
- General Partitions Manufacturing
- Bobrick
- Scranton
- Accurate Partitions
- Baked Enamel Metal Partitions, HDPL, Phenolic, and Plastic Laminate
Toilet Accessories
- Paper Towel Dispensers
- Toilet Paper Holders
- Grab Bars at 24″, 30″, 36″, 42″, or 48″
- Restroom Signs in Varying Colors
- Pins and Loads
- Expansion Anchors
- TapCon and Epoxy Anchors
- Masonry Bits to Fit Most Hammer Drills